
''Postive Dreams''

 Positive dreams make a difference in my life''       it depends on what we look at in the morning or night-            beautiful movies and lovely scenes;             delightful waterfalls and mountain tops]               everything is searchable through purpose which means:                     the valley builds and God refill'                             no matter what your word appeal,                                  Dreams are good and bad'                                      its  just a part of life-                               pray and turn to Christ;                                    I get upon my knees]                                  that's how I know the truth is keys'                                      Lord all at once the fighting ceased.

'' In The World's Eyes Of Jealousy''

  In the world's eyes  of jealousy''        there is  no one whom like God can see-          no dear I am not the enemy;                 its  good not  to judge]               meanwhile I will not  listen  to discouraging words,                            In the world's eyes of jealousy'                              therefore that could be you or me;                              before long people give the mean look-                                 while me and God create this book...........                                  then as I look back so many took,                                        In the world's eyes  of jealousy]                                            watching down upon all of us;                                             suddenly it takes  a minute to trust                                           meanwhile many talked about me'                                             just for today let go and let God be.      
             My friend, where are you'            in light of the things  you write me are true-                you're so sweet and gentle by word;                 encouraging me and your life now undisturbed/                 its  the way your spirituality speaks...............                   turning beauty for the last to least]                       Jesus bring me and my family increase,              +friend with God you're trusted by me'                 even though the whole world can see;                    there are many who believe in you/                           your heart talks by the things to do;                           no matter what' you are the man'                           only the word of God may stand,                                     Thank God' I am not perfect'                                         in light of God you're worth it;                                     Friend you told me ' you're

'' Nothing Compares To God''

                              Nothing compares to God'' that's when I open my heart''                                      as the confusion of the world;                                 sweet talks and gentleness encircled a consuming fire:                                             your word is full of compassion and everlasting-                                         Lord nothing compares to you........                                       I asked you bless everything I do]                                          Sovereign King its you who reign, in Jesus name,                                               when I think of your strength'                                                  it works when I am weak;                                                   as many walk and ride the streets]                                                     that you give us each peace'                                                    lord nothing comp

[ This Life Today]

                This life today'                    is a blessing in itself-                    while the Lord awaken from years ago;                          some things 'I just don't know-                         although its up the God to grow'                         He love is forevermore,                                                                          this life is beautiful'                                                                           as many birds fly upon the air-                                                                         we pray and not to worry about affairs]                                                                because of our God whom cares'                                                                    I'm thankful for what I have;                                                                       while God speaks through the word/                                                     

''My Family''

My family'' there's  a good tree''          its  in the Lord you see;           He is almighty and reigns]             enlighten in Jesus name-            thank you for my family'                bring us closer in this life;                             My family is of Gods' creation'                              in the beauty in which he makes us-                                  lets make time for each other:                               allowing love to smother]                            reality reflects sister and brother'                               I remember the death of father and mother/                                     then turning God' opens a path through my heart,                                       My family I pray' learn to accept me today'                                        bless my son and daughter;                                       Savior you're the potter who molds-                

Its Summer Time...................

       Its summer time'          bless those whom seek closely the vine-            in light of dinner and wine;                 the village is one of a kind'                   a King sets  high and look low]                 sow seed and allow God to grow-                   we may rich or poor'                            God enlightens and opens the door,                                                                            when it rains it pour'                                                                         rivers over flowed                                                                         people everywhere soar;                                                                        remember there will be days]                                                                     in the summer time to stand amazed'                                                                     as Gods' glory reflections praised-