
''Postive Dreams''

 Positive dreams make a difference in my life''       it depends on what we look at in the morning or night-            beautiful movies and lovely scenes;             delightful waterfalls and mountain tops]               everything is searchable through purpose which means:                     the valley builds and God refill'                             no matter what your word appeal,                             ...

'' In The World's Eyes Of Jealousy''

  In the world's eyes  of jealousy''        there is  no one whom like God can see-          no dear I am not the enemy;                 its  good not  to judge]               meanwhile I will not  listen  to discouraging words,                            In the world's eyes of jealousy'                              therefore that could be you or me;                     ...
             My friend, where are you'            in light of the things  you write me are true-                you're so sweet and gentle by word;                 encouraging me and your life now undisturbed/                 its  the way your spirituality speaks...............                   turning beauty for the last to least]                       Jesus bring me and my family increase,            ...

'' Nothing Compares To God''

                              Nothing compares to God'' that's when I open my heart''                                      as the confusion of the world;                                 sweet talks and gentleness encircled a consuming fire:                                             your word is full...

[ This Life Today]

                This life today'                    is a blessing in itself-                    while the Lord awaken from years ago;                          some things 'I just don't know-                         although its up the God to grow'                         He love is forevermore,                ...

''My Family''

My family'' there's  a good tree''          its  in the Lord you see;           He is almighty and reigns]             enlighten in Jesus name-            thank you for my family'                bring us closer in this life;                             My family is of Gods' creation'                              in the beauty in which he makes us-                 ...

Its Summer Time...................

       Its summer time'          bless those whom seek closely the vine-            in light of dinner and wine;                 the village is one of a kind'                   a King sets  high and look low]                 sow seed and allow God to grow-                   we may rich or poor'                            God enlightens and opens the door,         ...