My friend, where are you'
           in light of the things  you write me are true-
               you're so sweet and gentle by word;
                encouraging me and your life now undisturbed/
                its  the way your spirituality speaks...............
                  turning beauty for the last to least]
                      Jesus bring me and my family increase,

             +friend with God you're trusted by me'
                even though the whole world can see;
                   there are many who believe in you/
                          your heart talks by the things to do;
                          no matter what' you are the man'
                          only the word of God may stand,

                                    Thank God' I am not perfect'
                                        in light of God you're worth it;
                                    Friend you told me ' you're on tour-
                                      meanwhile in God you're assured'
                                         as the traveling mercies are graced;
                                             your love is forever in my heart traced.!

                                                                     Dedicated to Thomas Preston.



  1. this is dedicated to a friend or stranger who never meant no harm or danger.


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