[ This Life Today]

                This life today'
                   is a blessing in itself-
                   while the Lord awaken from years ago;
                         some things 'I just don't know-

                        although its up the God to grow'
                        He love is forevermore,

                                                                         this life is beautiful'
                                                                          as many birds fly upon the air-
                                                                        we pray and not to worry about affairs]
                                                               because of our God whom cares'
                                                                   I'm thankful for what I have;
                                                                      while God speaks through the word/
                                                                  in light of high hopes God encourage............

                                                        this life today'' we must not take for granted'
                                                                            looking  back upon the year's chance;
                                                                         there is a lovely happy dance]
                                                                       how delightful '' Lord you are-
                                                                       Glory to God who deserve all the praise'
                                                                        Jesus you turn our nights to days,

                                                                         this life today is as precious as can be'
                                                                          I stand in awe and amaze;
                                                                             Lord being thankful for your grace-
                                                                          in this life Jesus in your love cannot be replaced.


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